The Sovereign International Treasury M1 based on the Resolution no. 19 of September 23, 2022, signed the Global Act of Acceptance and Transfer of all World Financial Banking Assets to the new World Sovereign Bank, the Sovereign Bank of the Order of Hospitallers, which is the Main Historical Bank, General Administrator of all World Financial Banking Assets, Chief Regulator of the entire World Banking System.
The Sovereign International Treasury M1 based on the Right of the Sovereign, based on the Right of the Absolute Owner of all World Assets, based on the exclusive Historical Right from the Creator of the new Era, based on the Right of the absolute owner of the entire World Financial System, by the right of the Chief Regulator of the entire World Financial System, from February 23 2023 removes from the Federal Reserve Bank, the World Bank and dozens of other system banks, all rights to record, control and manage all World Financial Banking Assets.
To restore and legalize their right to register, control and manage Financial Banking Assets, these banks must immediately submit a written request to the Board of Directors of the Main Historical Bank, the General Manager for the Settlement, Control and Management of all World Financial Assets, the Main Regulator of the entire World Banking System, the World Sovereign Bank of the Order of Hospitallers, with the aim of granting these banks a special License of the World Sovereign Bank of the Order of the Hospitallers.
At the same time, the Sovereign International Treasury M1 confirms its favorable readiness to cooperate with them to overcome the Global Financial Crisis, prevent the Third World Nuclear War and build a Light World Financial System that will faithfully and loyally serve Light Humanity.
The List of banks to which Notices and Orders were sent:
World Bank, FRS, Bank Federal Reserve, Wells Fargo, Unicredit Bank, UBS Bank, TD Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Bank, State Street Corporation, Standard Chartered Bank, Société Générale, Santander Bank, RBC Bank, Morgan Stanley, Mizuho Bank, ING Group, Goldman Sachs Group, Credit Suisse Group AG, Crédit Agricole, Groupe BPCE, Bank of New York Mellon, Agricultural Bank of China, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, ICBCBank, Deutsche Bank, China Construction Bank, Barclays, Bank of China, Bank of America, HSBC Holdings plc, BNP PARIBAS Bank, CITIGROUP, JP MORGAN CHASE…..
Read the full text of the Announcements and Orders of the Sovereign International Treasury M1 to systemic banks around the world
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