
Interview transcript: Exclusive interview with j.v. A. N. Paramonov – A challenge to humanity.

The interview below is key to understanding how the old global financial system worked and is working, but also how the new bright financial system will work. At the same time it is a call for all of humanity and a guidance for every person living on this earth on what to do to free ourselves from the parasitic system that has reached its peak in the last century.

Answers to questions:

  • Why do states no longer have money?
  • Why cooperatives are established,
  • Why it started in Slovakia,
  • How is it with the Soviet Union and The Gos acts (monthly summary about the state published by the Russian Academy of Sciences),
  • How the old trust parasitic system ended,
  • Information about orders.

We bring this exclusive interview for the Zlatá éRA channel (Golden Era YouTube channel) and the call to all mankind in full version.

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Note: This interview has been translated from Russian to English.  Some passages may flow differently than if the interview was done by a primarily English speaker.

His Majesty, Alexander Nikolaevich Paramonov (ANP) Secretary General, Chief Treasurer:: Global Treasury Monetary One and gold bullion Depository

Official website Global Treasury Monetary One and gold bullion Depository


ANP: when I took charge of the inheritance, when I took on all the rights to own, manage and administer the world financial system, through the White Spiritual Boy, through the Order of Hospitallers and through God’s Providence, I still cherished the hope that this existing, fiat, parasitic system, so to speak, would enter the right path. The bankers, the banks, etc…

But later, after working with them for some time, I understood that none of them adhered to the letter of the law, that they all sat only on the criminal terms that the Rothschild’s spread in this system, Illuminati better to speak. I understood that all the management positions of this unified network were occupied by their people. This system does not work for Man, it is criminal and only implements the plans of these, so to speak, insane enemies of mankind.

The terms are dogmas. The dogmas that lead humanity to doom. The not existing / fake dogmas.

In short, I understood that if I had to stop their activities, it would take me years. Hunt them, find out what they want to steal, what they want to do, etc…

It was then that Divine Providence initiated the process of completely stopping the criminal activity of this system in order to prevent their plan to start 3rd World Nuclear War. Not to destroy humanity. Because all their scenarios lead to this goal. 

Blood, or the tool to realize all this, by building everything on money, capitalism, the dark Khazaria, the tool in their hands is only one. 

It is the means of payment that they call money. 

I want to underline that, ultimately, the word „dengi“ (money) is defined by international and financial standards as a Treasury bill. 

Banks do not have the right to issue money. Banks are Settlement institutions that service a product called means of payment, money transformed into means of payment, if we talk about the fiat system.

The right to produce (issue) money has only the treasury of the community, country, state, any sovereign community, including a cooperative.

The whole old financial system, the whole parasitic model, is also built on the base of the cooperative. For example, Washington DC, the entire financial system of America, is the Rockefeller cooperative. 

The financial system of Great Britain is the Rothschild cooperative.

Switzerland is also a cooperative. All of Switzerland is a country because it has a territory and a population. It is also cooperative, cantonal law. 

The entire payment system, the SWIFT system in Brussels, is a cooperative. The entire financial system is built on cooperatives. 

So the essence is that it was necessary to turn off, to take away from thieves the tool that they had directed against humanity.

M1, by Divine Providence, has taken the decision to take away all the financial assets, all the assets, from all the banks of this fiat financial system. Since it has become a practically unified criminal mechanism against the Nation.

In general, the system should not be complicated. I figured out what they did, it’s nonsense, it’s complex… Everything is complicated by lies. And from this, Why do we need to make the system more complex?! They made it difficult so that people would not understand it. To be able to cheat, steal, etc. embezzle and route so that people do not understand anything. This must be stopped!  The system must be simple. With God, everything is perfect and simple, understandable, hopeful, protected, righteous and bright. The system is meant to serve humanity, not to be directed against Man. Even so that there is no such possibility that the system as such allows such a possibility.  To anybody. Neither now nor in the future.

Therefore, the decision was made to empty this current financial, banking, treasury system. 

I, by virtue of my powers given to me from above, took everything away from them. M1 took everything away from them. To date, their entire system is empty. All countries in the world went bankrupt. These are not states, These are pseudo-states, corporations. Unnoticed in front of people, States turned into private companies, corporations. People did not even notice it, none of the people even asked them. No one held a referendum. Nobody told them about it and forced it on them. Gradually, gradually, simple international bandits and terrorists in the person of the Illuminati Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Baruchs, Warburgs, Openheimers, Eisenhowers, Romanovs, there are 13 families. They quietly seized power, having at their disposal the main instrument from the FED, which also does not belong to them, but they were managing it. The FED is also owned by M1. They began to carry out this crime against humanity. Nobody asked people about anything, people could forget about their freedom, about everything. They took away their true independence, their sovereign state, their country, they made their own private companies there, in which people are registered as a balance sheet and off-balance sheet asset. Where people are goods for them. Both liquid and illiquid. Where they decide what to do with these goods. You understand, this is a crime against God. Starting from this, all these corporations have currently gone bankrupt. 

The system is a general, so to speak, general Information Technology (IT) service. At the moment it is impossible to deceive the IT service. They can’t draw anything in there… They have no other system and will not have at all. They didn’t build this one either. They didn’t built it with their own hands. 

Therefore, at the moment the states went bankrupt. All banking corporations, system banks and the system of central banks, have all gone bankrupt. 

System banks, that is, banking corporations that had more capital than the states had, and were not subordinate to the central banks. They had special operating regulations. Again, people didn’t talk about it, people didn’t know about it.

These are CBC Bank, Barclays Bank, HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Bank of America, BNP Paribas, large system banks, etc.

There are also banks that are in the system of central banks. That’s the Rothschild system, also a private system. They have all gone bankrupt as well. They have nowhere to get the money. They don’t have any assets. They have nothing. It is a hopeless and empty system. 

In addition, the secret leadership of the FED itself got into a situation where M1 blocked their accounts, they carried out a hacking criminal operation in the system itself. The system consists, as it were, of two parts. The first part is an ancient artificial intelligence, an ancient computer (AC) that is older than this civilization, and the second part is an IT superstructure of the FED and other systems…

They made a mistake that cannot be corrected. It will not be repaired in any way, it is impossible. They uploaded hacking codes to the system, thereby violating the security zone of the balance sheet and off-balance sheets. Since the accounts have been blocked, they have decided to simply enter these numbers on the computer to spread it to the banks. But they got into such a situation that the ancient computer detected a systemic threat and labeled this entire fiat system as a toxic, infected, broken system, the security zone of which was violated. As a result, it erases it (the ancient system erases the Fiat superstructure). AC blocked it and erases it, removes it. The superstructure won’t work.  

All these technologies that are now used in the financial system, all these hi-tech technologies are covered by law – if M1 gave them XAU (standard code for one troy ounce of gold), these are those energies that artificial intelligence has determined as living, correct energies, which are fair, which give energy to both artificial intelligence itself and people for their work. That’s when this system starts working. But they don’t have it anymore. They won’t have it either. 

In the Vatican, this is called Blessing, and somewhere else it is also called differently. This is how energy works.

In the world there were 3 Sacred Emission Matrixes. 

One Emission Matrix was in Switzerland, the second was in America, and the third was located at the guards in Asia. At my guards. 

Both emission matrices, American and Swiss, are deactivated. That is, they have no opportunities to issue any money. They don’t. 

No technology, neither blockchain, nor any IT technologies, payment technologies will be able to function in this space. In our space. Only the right money, filled with the creative energy of the golden section, will work. This is the money of Creation. 

Again, I say, money can only be created by the Treasury of a sovereign community; just the Treasury of the sovereign community. 

As an example, to understand. American currency, it’s not money. The dollar is not money. The EURO is not money either. These are all currencies. It is a new word, a new name – currency, and a means of payment, which is issued on the basis of fiat money. What is fiat money?!

Fiat money is the Treasury bonds of the American treasury. They are empty. They are filled with all sorts of promises, debts, and all sorts of nonsense. 

So, as we understand it, in order to produce these means of payment, bonds were issued. These bonds were sold (traded) in the world markets as if they had a cover, and at the same time they were additionally issued on the basis of these bonds. 

So what did the FED do?! What crime did they commit?! The thing is that the fiat system is based on the Jamaican Agreement (treaty), where the term „trust“ is mentioned. Trusts are trading indexes, that US bonds have, that US bonds had. 

They created a system of artificial support for trading indexes. In what way?! These American Illuminati families founded corporations in various states on the basis of cooperative law, customer law, international law. In order not to control these corporations, conduct audits in them without their consent. This is according to the law. These corporations were not externally affiliated with the FED. But when Bonds needed to be traded, the Fed’s secret leadership gave these corporations access to steal cash from White Spiritual Boy’s main cumulative accounts, as well as White Spiritual Boy sub-accounts, where, under the world financial system treaty, money from using my family’s assets were accumulated.

When this money was accumulating here, the FED kept the codes and, committing a crime, gave these corporations the opportunity to steal money from here to buy US government bonds with this money. 

It turns out that with stolen money they bought bonds from themselves and at the same time they say to the whole world: „you see how much confidence bonds have,“ meaning US dollars. When they had canceled such options, all their scam games ended. To date, we can forget about the Washington DC, which is already a financial cemetery. We can forget about London City, which is already a financial cemetery. We can forget about Wall Street, which is also a financial cemetery. We can forget Switzerland, which has also opposed humanity and is also a financial cemetery. 

The Vatican, the Vatican Bank the same. Today I received the news that the pope issued an order to all religious organizations to transfer money to the Vatican bank. The Institute for Religious Works, the Institute of faith, which is called the Vatican Bank. Why?! It is also a financial cemetery. They have no money. 

To date, their entire fiat system is already just a financial cemetery. It’s starting to die. 

Therefore, proceeding from all this that is done to stop them… they didn’t want to stop. I’ve been convincing them for years. I told them, I wrote them letters, I explained them to move on to the Cone of creation (Universal Law). To turn their face to God, to humanity. And so that they begin to do bright things. 

This was not possible, because they are not living people. They are biorobots, in which programs, unfortunately, are destructive. Directed to the destruction of the world and humanity. 

Therefore, they had to be turned off. Taken away the creative energies that they have distorted and built the fiat financial system.

Today, M1 announced to the whole world the start of the new Sunrise program. This program is very easy to perform. In any state in the world, common people can come together and establish a cooperative. We will provide them with absolutely all the necessary forms and documents. They shall establish a cooperative which is not a legal entity of that state. Any Registration Authority located in a given pseudo-state is simply a notary, a witness. Which certifies that the international community has been established. Do you understand what is the essence?!

Then it must be understood that, according to Roman law, any community, even established on the basis of international norms, sovereignly, is obliged to announce this establishment. To make a corresponding announcement. It hereby confirms its status by notifying that fact. As living people now declare themselves. 

We will provide all the documents required for the registration of the cooperative. Draft notification is to be sent to all offices in their state, pseudo-state and international offices. We will give all instructions on how to do this. It’s easy to do. Registration of a cooperative in any country does not exceed 100 Euros. Therefore…. that’s all that needs to be done, just once. The rest of the work is done by the people themselves in the office. Then a Treasury will be registered. That is, a cooperative is registered, a treasury is established in it. We will also provide all the documents. Then we will provide a draft of the Treaty on the Union. Union Of Cooperatives Of Light Great Russia.

RUS is the sacred (sacral) name of the Whole Earth. 

After signing the union agreement, they will send us a request. How much gold do they really need? Treasury bills credited to their cash account in M1. Because under a union contract, an account in M1 is opened for them. They make an application. 50 billion, 100 billion, trillion, 5 trillion, 10 trillion. Depending on what kind of state it is, what its territory is, how many inhabitants it has, how much money is needed to implement bright programs there, projects to bring people back the possibilities of their energies into their lives. Into their bright creative lives. 

They apply to the International Consumer Cooperative Light Great Russia, and M1 for this amount, subsequently an order for emission is issued, in accordance with all international standards M1 will carry out the emission of money; Treasury bills filled with gold, in accordance with Basel III and resolutions M1. Then an account is opened to this cooperative. These funds are credited to the account. 

Before that, the local cooperative will go to the fiat Bank of the fiat system and open an account there. Make it bridge to the old system. As long as the markets and everything else are tied to it. But it won’t be for long. 

So, after crediting the funds, we send a notice of opening an account under a union contract, we send a notice – a letter, an information letter informing that an issue has been created for the cooperative in accordance with all international standards, and we credit the money to his account, for which we issue an International Treasury statement.

This Treasury Statement is already coming to the cooperative Treasury of this new, independent cooperative that has joined the Sovereign Union. The New Cooperative is included in the balance sheet at its home country, in this corporation called the state. This will save that corporation from bankruptcy. 

The point is that the balance sheet of the so-called state, I will not repeat that it is a corporation, it is a consolidated balance sheet of all registered organizations registered in the given state that keep balance sheets with the Ministry of Finance of that state. This increases the state’s balance sheet. However, the holder of this balance sheet is this sovereign cooperative on the basis of a sovereign Union Treaty. 

This is starting to build bridges between the current, somewhere may be a national government, although I don’t know where it is…, where the government of this destructive Illuminati system is deployed. 

And here the conversations (negotiations) begin. But this is the second step, which I will not discuss here. 

So once this happens, one more document follows. We, M1, a Light Great Russia, send all the documents and all the samples of proposals for registration, inside the cooperative itself, for registration of the Bank, which does not need to be registered anywhere else. That means we will provide a copy, a sample of the Charter of the International Bank. We will provide protocols that will need to be signed. The entire documentation we will provide, since all the money to these cooperatives will go from Light Great Russia as Share deposits, provided for the development of this newly established Union Cooperative in the state, we also provide our order that from our share deposits 100 billion gold money will be credited as the authorized capital of the established cooperative bank. Once all the documents have been completed, they will register this bank within the cooperative, and we will then provide a sample letter to be written to the main, new World Bank and the main regulator of the world banking system, and to the main historical Bank, the Sovereign Bank of the Order of Hospitallers. 

The new Bank write their application to the address of the Sovereign Bank of the Order of Hospitallers for the provision of the license for international banking activity for the newly formed Cooperative Bank. 

Then the Sovereign, and the Order of Hospitallers is the Chief sovereign, the Bank of Hospitallers issues a license (permit, authorization) to this bank. And he will also issue a banking agreement on the world banking system. 

The next step that is to be taken is that the Light Great Russia, within the framework of a sovereign Union, provides its cooperatives, allies, their treasuries with an automatic treasury system. Program software that automatically opens accounts to unit-holders so that they can make transfers between themselves, etc…

This whole treasury system is connected only to M1. Each treasury of all these cooperatives in different states of the world, works directly with M1. 

Also, the Bank of Hospitallers provides this established cooperative bank with an operating software.  A banking software. With the entire payment system, with the opening of accounts, keeping the balance sheet, etc…

As a result, banks begin to cooperate with each other. This model looks like a new sovereign financial system, filled in accordance with all international standards Basel III, XAU – gold. Based on cooperatives.

There is a difference between the cooperatives that remained under the control of the Illuminati, the ones I mentioned: the American system, the British system, the Swiss system, and our cooperatives. 

Their cooperatives are empty and indebted. To date, they owe M1 more than 20 quadrillion dollars. Think about how they managed it all in their debt system?! 

There is a new SUNRISE system that is completely filled with gold, XAU. It is filled with energy. Current money is secured (covered) and works for the welfare of the nation. 

The presence of such a cooperative in a given state, in which the cooperative holds and controls the balance sheet of the state, gives money to the state, so such a cooperative will control that there is no genocide in the state, that power in the state is in the hands of the nation. And so that the state fills the Cone of Creation on Earth. That’s the main Cone. 

Any state, any society, even any cooperative that goes outside the Cone of Creation will be blocked.

Such a system is ready, so I told you briefly about it.

It is a sovereign World International Treasury system and a sovereign World Banking System. 

The Model is very simple. All cooperatives are the foundation. Sovereign Foundation-SVAY (Energy). In the world we have. They are pillars. On these pillars a new system is based and filled with bright creative energies serving humanity. 

The architecture of this system is the Union Treaty. 

It turns out that in the new RA M1 system, M1 is the main regulator of the entire financial system.

The main regulator of the banking system is the Sovereign Bank of the Order of Hospitallers. 

All the assets, all the accounts, all the gold that has been taken from the entire fiat banking system, which has been seized in a criminal manner by a bunch of Illuminati, all these accounts are transferred to the Sovereign Bank of the Order of Hospitallers. They are located there. M1 is their owner, who placed all these assets in the Sovereign Bank of the Order of Hospitallers. 

The Sovereign Bank of the Order of Hospitallers is the New World Bank and is also the main regulator of the World banking system.

I: now we have to organize, everyone. Just like us here in Slovakia. Am I saying this correctly?

ANP: you’re right, Ivan. For you in Slovakia, it is a Customer Cooperative ROD (Tribe). ROD is the Supreme Creator. It is the highest! ROD takes this step first. Everything is as it should be.  He shows others where to go and what to do.

Beside is always RA, The Light Great Russia, the Whole Earth, SURAY Earth, these are Vedic texts, ancient texts that are hundreds of thousands of years old, millions of years old! Everywhere is mentioned SURAY land in these texts. During the day of Svarog it is SURAY land, at night of Svarog it is RUS. Now a new name and a new being have been created, uniting absolutely everyone into a single heavenly system. It is a Being Controlled by Mind –  Разумом Управляемая Сущность – RUS. Where all Beings Controlled by Mind are united. Therefore, I wish everyone to become RUS and enter the Heavenly system. 

This is a new sovereign system, the regulator of which is society itself. With the center of control of the Cone of Creation, the center of control of society itself, so that, in turn, the remaining impregnable parasites do not penetrate into it, not to distort the heavenly bright system, the center is M1 RA, RA M1.

ANP: All agreements (contracts) in the system are annulled. The tripartite agreement, trusts, everything else is annulled. Everything is deactivated. It no longer has any legal support. By the Lord the Creator of the New Era, I am The Ruler of all that is here. I have canceled everything. Everything is canceled, recalled. 

Because trusts, it is actually “trust”? What did that trust lead to when they started making these trusts?! They established and through the Guardians took assets from the creator of RA, Energy, and called it „trust.“

What did they do?! They made money, false, false money. Which they also said was „trust“. 

Now let’s take a look at the history of funds, arbitrary funds. This is not money, but means of payment, currency. Any currency. What they are today? Blood. What does this blood bring?! Blood in the organism of society. What it brings?! Officials are bought, all criminal plans are carried out, this is a method of payment. This method of payment is absolutely unreasonable, thoughtless. Where is „trust“ there?! Tell me?!  

Did the Creator RA and the genus Supreme standing above him expect such „confidence“ from his executors? 

Of course not. 

All those trusts, all those systems that were based, were based on the dark side, the unconscious side. They bore pain, suffering, destruction, murder, genocide. They bore lies, blame, cheated people. They developed systems of enslaving human society. Man does not know who he is, how much he can live, why he is born, what is his path, who is he to become, what is he obliged to do on Earth?! Where did he come from and where should he go?!

They lied about everything. Everything that is given today is created not so long ago, it is created over several centuries. It is all rooted in human society as a crooked image. Man has forgotten who he is. Who are his parents. He forgot his power. He forgot about his strength, about his tireless energy, about his creative potential. 

What did they create?! What prison were they put in?! The prison was put in their heads, in their consciousness, here they suffer. Because it’s all a lie, a blame. And they cannot recover and return if they are not shown the way out now. Therefore, strong people wake up on Earth, with Divine Consciousness. 

They show the way, they awaken humanity, that’s how it happens. 

Trusts have shown what they are capable of. That is what they gave. Therefore, there will be no trusts. I’m Revoking all Trusts.

ANP: I’ll explain. The Gos Acts are written by scientists of the Academy of Sciences. Not everything written in the Gos Acts corresponds to the truth. They write what they think is necessary. Who sits in the Academy of Sciences? In the Academy of Sciences sit servants of the Illuminati. All Academies of Sciences in the world were incorporated into the system and were built under the control of the Vatican and Opus Dei. Opus Dei controlled them. Secretly. Always. Do you understand? These are secret management systems that are hidden from people, and which are directed against humanity. I don’t want to talk bad about these scientists. They may be honest, they write what they know, but not everything they write corresponds to reality. The only thing I want to say is that I absolutely confirm that the Soviet Union was the best creation in recent years that we remember. It showed all mankind as people of different nationalities, different traditions, etc…. They can live under one roof and form a common cause. They can live in peace, respecting each other, and in mutual understanding. I remember what the Soviet Union is, I lived there. I see the hell they staged here on Earth now. In my country as well. In the country I was born. In The Soviet Union. I am not a citizen of the Russian Federation and will never be one. Because I’m a healthy-thinking person. 

Is it not possible to be a citizen of the company! British company. Even the corporate law of the Russian Federation itself did everything so that there were no citizens of the Russian Federation! Nor can they exist, since the Russian Federation does not have legal personality. It is a private company. 

It is the accumulation of Admiralty, pirate law on continental law. It is a seizure, an occupation. 

According to international law, so I mean that any pirate who has come to a continent, to continental law and carries his pirate Admiralty right there, to occupy on land what he has no right to, then any citizen has the right, that is international law, has the right to hang this pirate on the nearest pillar. It is written long ago in the past, and no one canceled it and did not revoke it! 

People don’t know about this and don’t remember it. Therefore, both the Russian Federation and the other corporations that have occupied and taken away their homeland, the state, must now either evolutionarily hand over power to the nation, or must be eliminated. They have no other way. They’re in ruin. They’re nobody. Their dark, ignorant Khazarian pattern of trading is over. 

Why is it said that it is the Slavs who are now the only breakthrough force? Because the Slavs carry in themselves ancient genetics. Knowledge and information of the earth-heavenly current, the image of the ancestral parable, The Supreme Creator. Therefore, it is encoded in us. There are many Slavs on Earth. Different Slavs. They just don’t know and don’t remember it. The Slavs are not a nation. Slavjans are knowledge. Knowledge that was passed down genetically and from generation to generation. This is culture. It is a state of consciousness. It is the level of the soul. Because if it is a high soul, it is able to maintain and protect this knowledge. Defend, carry and realize them. Therefore, the Soviet Union was earning money. The Soviet Union practically did not touch the 5 million tons of gold allocated to it by the White Spiritual Boy. Unlike all other states. The Americans received 10 million tons for their private company FED. For America, for its development, as a corporation. 

The Soviet Union received 5 million tons from White Spiritual Boy. Stalin practically did not touch them. He created a model where it is possible to have these energies, but not to throw them away, but to earn them. The Soviet Union made so much money, so much gold, created so many possibilities, that as you can see, with their approach, when they were left without a strong leader, on the night of Svarog, those dark infernal forces were at the peak of their destructive possibilities, they did everything to rob the nation of the Soviet Union, to carry out genocide, to pit people against each other, etc…

Everything is written, everything is in their CIA documents. The CIA is an organization that served the US Treasury Department and the Fed. See who the CIA is serving. See where it is registered and where it is funded. You’ll understand everything. This is not the central spy agency of America and the American people. Not. It is a private security company of the Illuminati. Like everyone else. Private company. 

ANP: We will talk about this separately. All books were written by people, everything was rewritten and changed. I’ll give you information from the Earth’s energy-information field, where everything is written. I’ll give you a special conversation about the order.

The main thing to understand is that the Order of Hospitallers in the Vatican is a fake order. There is no order of Hospitallers in the Vatican, it is a fake. There is no order of Malta in the Vatican, it is a fake.  All their orders are fakes. True orders are no masquerades, no deeds, no secret conspiracies. A true order is a heavenly Energy-Information Field (Aggregate). People who understand this, that is, those who have reached the levels of REYCAR (Knight) REKOMYI Tsar (chosen king), everywhere King – this is a translation from the sacral meaning. CAR-Celnyi Ariy (no translation). With the King in his head, the one who has activated all nine levels of consciousness and works with all nine levels of consciousness. This is A Knight. When a person reaches this level, he becomes a Knight. The Winner – this is the path to chivalry, the winner and the Knight are practically one and the same. Only the Winner is the one who developed the vital body, that is, contactless struggle and so on. The one who can wage defense and liberation wars at any distance. The vital body is the astral body in modern language. The Knight-Rekomyi Vezde Tsar (The Chosen One) everywhere The King is always and everywhere called Sir, one must understand where it comes from. That’s the Sovereign. This is the representative of God on Earth. The Supreme Mind. They always protect and create.  Not just with a sword and a shield, but also with a creation, a brush or anything else. They are all warriors. This needs to be known. Blagodar (Thank you, very much)!

ANP: I would like to give all my brothers and sisters, all people on Earth, One Piece of advice. The only advice they should listen to. They must wake up, they must realize and see that crooked theater, that criminal theater that is directed against themselves. They must stop participating in it, stop supporting it, stop talking about it, think about it. We need to understand what’s going on in the world, we need to see all those killers, pedophiles, zoophiles, those perverts, who are now installed in the management of these Corporations called states.  

Look, not a single leader of the European Union has children. How can he manage society, how can he love children, whom in general he is capable of loving? Apart from your back part? Nobody.

They are psychopaths, grown, artificially genomodified psychopaths filled with non-existent dogmas. Dogmas aimed at destroying the world. This must be remembered. They have no strength. All the forces are given to them by the people themselves. By trusting them, talking about them, discussing them, praising them, hating them… it doesn’t matter. Stop looking at these carcasses!!!

Look at your native, loved ones, at your country, at your homeland, at your land.

The Mind, knowledge, brotherhood, this is what should be in you! Really, naturally. I am very sorry for those who do not realize these things, do not come to them. Therefore, I advise them: turn to the light. Light is knowledge. Right knowledge, true knowledge. Stop repeating like parrots one after another who said what, think with your head. Check, become thinking person. Trust can only be given reasonably. It is impossible to trust the pretty pictures on the TV. Nice clothes or some emotional show of some actors on this TV scene. Everything should be checked reasonably. Because it is your life, the Supreme Creator gave you life, you must respect it and treat it very thoughtfully! Rightly, seriously and responsibly! Then your life will turn into your ascending path of the creator. Who we are to become. We have to create. We have to develop, we have to be very, very strong!!!


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čl.17. Sloboda prejavu a právo na informácie sú zaručené. Každý má právo vyjadrovať svoje názory slovom, tlačou, obrazom, alebo iným spôsobom, ako aj slobodne vyhľadávať, prijímať a rozširovať idey a informácie bez ohľadu na hranice štátu.

Čl.20. Právo slobodne sa združovať je zaručené. Každý má právo spolu s inými združovať sa v spolkoch, spoločnostiach a iných združeniach.


Názory autora sa nemusia zhodovať s názormi redakcie Slovanské Noviny. Zodpovednosť za obsah tohto článku nesie výhradne jeho autor. Redakcia Slovanské Noviny nie je zodpovedná za akékoľvek prípadné nepresné či nesprávne informácie v tomto článku. Za obsah a pôvodnosť príspevku zodpovedá autor alebo pôvodný zdroj. SN publikujú aj názory, ktoré nemusia odrážať stanovisko redakcie, jej vydavateľa alebo oficiálnej interpretačnej línie. Robíme tak z úcty k ústavnej hodnote názorovej plurality, ktorá prispieva k posilneniu demokracie vôle ľudu a väčšiny ako aj otvorenej platformy pre slobodnú výmenu názorov pri hľadaní pravdy a mieru v konfliktom svete. Medicínske a lekárske texty, názory a štúdie v žiadnom prípade nemajú nahradiť konzultácie a vyšetrenia lekármi v zdravotníckom zariadení alebo inými odborníkmi. Slovanské Noviny dáva súhlas na zdieľanie našich pôvodných článkov na ďalších nekomerčných internetových stránkach, ak nebude zmenený ich text a názov. Pri zdieľanom článku musí byť uverejnený zdroj a autor. Ak chcete články z nášho webu publikovať v tlači či inými formami, vrátane komerčných internetových stránok, kontaktujte redakciu na redakcia@slovanskenoviny.sk


Vážení čitatelia – diskutéri. Podľa zákonov Slovenskej republiky sme povinní na požiadanie orgánov činných v trestnom konaní poskytnúť im všetky informácie zozbierané o vás systémom (IP adresu, mail, vaše príspevky atď.) Prosíme vás preto, aby ste do diskusie na našej stránke nevkladali také komentáre, ktoré by mohli naplniť skutkovú podstatu niektorého trestného činu uvedeného v Trestnom zákone. Najmä, aby ste nezverejňovali príspevky rasistické, podnecujúce k násiliu alebo nenávisti na základe pohlavia, rasy, farby pleti, jazyka, viery a náboženstva, politického či iného zmýšľania, národného alebo sociálneho pôvodu, príslušnosti k národnosti alebo k etnickej skupine a podobne.


(Pripojiť sa do diskusie je možné len po registrácii a následnom prihlásení sa do účtu.)


Príspevkom "na kávu" pomôžete ľahšiemu fungovniu Slovanských Novín a podporíte tvorenie.


Slovanské Noviny

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